Khoa Cong Nghe Thong Tin - DH Nong Lam TP.HCM

The 4.0 version of the AUN-QA model for programme level encompasses the following 8 criteria:

  1. Expected Learning Outcomes
  2. Programme Structure and Content
  3. Teaching and Learning Approach
  4. Student Assessment
  5. Academic Staff
  6. Student Support Services
  7. Facilities and Infrastructure
  8. Output and Outcomes

According to the above criteria, we have written a report of self-assessment. For more information, please follow to this link.




Số lần xem trang: 451
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 17-06-2024

Đào Tạo

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology Engineering Program (11-06-2024)

About AUN-QA (11-06-2024)

Danh sách Cố vấn học tập các lớp (07-12-2010)

Đào tạo (13-05-2008)

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